Sunday, November 10th, 2024
NEO Sports Plant, Euclid, Ohio
  • “The Big Daddy of Destruction” J-Rocc vs. “Big Time” Bill Collier
    • The bell rings and we have a lockup but Collier being the taller man has all the leverage and shoves J-Rocc off. They lockup again and Big Time takes him to the corner. J-Rocc is visibly angry and is able to start laying in some shots to no effect and Collier lays in some of his own. He whips J-Rocc into the corner and then hits a big boot but only gets a two count. J-Rocc is able to reverse the tide and hits a chop. J-Rocc goes to whip Collier into the corner but it is reversed. Collier takes J-Rocc to the ropes and ties his arms up and hits big chops and clubbing blows. Collier then hits a vertical suplex and holds J-Rocc up for a few seconds before sending him to the mat. After some strikes Collier gives him another vertical suplex and follows up with a big leg drop. J-Rocc kicks out of the pin fall attempt just before the 3 count. Collier sets up J-Rocc in the corner and goes for a big boot but J-Rocc dodges it. Collier seemed to take too long. J-Rocc then sets up Collier in the corner and hits a big superplex! J-Rocc and Collier spill out to outside of the ring and J-Rocc slams him into the guardrails. They both get back into the ring and right when J-Rocc is going to continue his offense Collier hits a few punches but J-Rocc is able to reverse into a Russian Leg Sweep and goes for a pin attempt. Collier is able to kick out before the 3 count. J-Rocc seems to be in control and is using various unorthodox moves to wear Collier down. J-Rocc applies a surfboard submission and after some back and forth reversals Collier hits a huge spinebuster and it appears Collier is making a comeback. Collier throws J-Rocc with a fall away slam. We have about 3 minutes left before the time limit is reached. Collier hits a big splash in the corner followed by a huge lariat but it isn’t enough as J-Rocc kicks out at 2.Collier attempts to put J-Rocc on the top rope but J-Rocc fights it off. He decides to take the risk and climbs up to the top. Collier catches him and launches him across the ring. We are down to the last minute and J-Rocc attempts a suplex but Collier reverses it but they are right next to the ropes and both men go flying over the top to the floor. We are down to 20 seconds and both men are down. They are about to be counted out as the time is ticking. They both are able to get into the ring as time expires and we go to the judges. 
    • Our ringside judges have it 1-1 and the final judge goes to the fans in attendance. The fans clearly give the match to Big Time Bill Collier!
  • “Superman” Onyx vs. “The Dominican Hercules” Luis Casanova
    • The two powerhouses circle up and lockup but they break it when there is no clear advantage. They begin to trade shoulder tackles but no one budges. Onyx works a knee to the midsection and goes to work on Casanova. Casanova gets a couple reversals but is quickly cut off with a big lariat from Onyx. The Superman is laying huge blows into Casanova and grabs a bear hug. Casanova is able to get out of the bear hug and after 3 big lariats he knocks Onyx to the mat. Onyx stops Casanova’s momentum but Casanova is able to get it back. Onyx once again stops Casanova and hits a gigantic body slam. Onyx hits the ropes and Casanova reverses into a giant spinebuster. Casanova then lands a few strikes before going for the pin. 1-2-3 and Casanova is your winner!
  • “The Punisher” Kyle Horton vs. “The Iron Tiger Dice-K
    • A quick note for our fans in the crowd watching closely is Terrance Knight as he’s been scouting Kyle Horton. We will have to get a reporter to sit down and interview Terrance and find out his intentions. The bell rings and the two go right at it. Dice-K is able to land a throw and knee strike in the corner to Horton. Kyle is able to reverse a whip to the corner and lands a knee of his own. Kyle hits the ropes for momentum and lands a flying forearm and lays Dice-K out. Horton pin fall attempt but Dice-K kicks out. Horton then applies an ankle lock! Dice-K is able to get to the ropes to get the break and Horton keeps the hold for a 4 count. Referee Nick Barney backs him away and Horton goes right back to the ankle lock. Dice-K recovers and lands a flurry of kicks to send Horton to the mat. Dice-K then applies an arm bar but Horton is able to fight through and get out of it. Horton is still on top and goes for a big elbow drop but a little too much showboating does not pay off and Dice-K moves and lands a jawbreaker that sends Horton to the corner. Dice-K goes for a springboard back elbow but his ankle is hurt from the ankle lock and he is stuck. Horton hits a lariat to Dice-K’s back. Josh Emmanuel’s music hits and Hook ‘n Shoot hit the ring and lay out both Horton and Dice-K. Ronnie Rotten calls out Vinnie Maverick & Moshpit!
  • Hook ‘n Shoot (Nick Brashear & Josh Emmanuel) vs. “Big Nasty” Vinnie Maverick & “The Heavy Metal Weight” Moshpit
    • Vinnie and Moshpit come to the ring and there’s no introductions, this takes off and the four men are brawling! Things settle down as Nick Barney is able to establish some order and the bell rings. Hook ‘n Shoot are working over Moshpit. Every time Moshpit is starting to make a comeback, Hook ‘n Shoot cuts him off and gets him into their corner. Moshpit is able to land some big moves on Emmanuel but refuses to tag out. Brashear breaks up a pin fall attempt and when order is finally restored Emmanuel hits a spinning elbow to the back of Moshpit’s head. Moshpit is on the outside and Brashear holds Moshpit up for Ronnie Rotten to hit a huge chop. Emmanuel is working over Moshpit again but Moshpit is able to reverse the tide and hits a huge lariat from the middle rope. Moshpit is finally going for the tag and just inches from making it Emmanuel is able to cut him off. Brashear tags in and is working on Moshpit’s leg. He goes over and slaps Vinnie Maverick taunting him. Maverick is hot and Emmanuel lands a big punch that puts Moshpit to the mat. Moshpit reverses and hits a Blue Thunder bomb on Emmanuel and finally tags in Maverick who lands a couple lariats and a huge body slam on Emmanuel. He then knocks Brashear off of the ring apron. Maverick goes for a double team where Moshpit would use Maverick’s shoulders as a higher top rope! Ronnie Rotten interrupts them from landing the move and Maverick chases Rotten out of the ring and is met by Brashear and the two start trading blows! Back in the ring Moshpit misses a move off of the top rope but is able to put Emmanuel in a fireman’s carry but Emmanuel reverses into a rear naked choke. The Choke Dealer puts Moshpit to sleep and Hook ‘n Shoot are your winners!
  • Before we come back from intermission, there is some controversy ringside as “The Lost Prodigy” Dios Salvador is ringside and Ronnie Rotten comes out to confront him. Dios shows him his ticket as he is just a paying fan tonight! There’s nothing Rotten can do as building security says he can stay. Security breaks up the action and we are about to kick off our second half.
  • The Mission (Pastor C-Lo, Butchie B, Sebastian LeShawn) vs. Mr. Crummels, Mr. Defarge, and Evelyn Sage
    • This 6 person tag match is all set to kick off. Pastor C-Lo and Crummels have issues dating back to ADRENALINE where Pastor C-Lo cost Crummels his chance to fight for the EFW Heavyweight Championship. The match starts off with Pastor C-Lo taking on Crummels. Evelyn Sage enters as well and quickly tags in Defarge. Sebastian LeShawn enters the ring and is using her quickness to get the best of Defarge. Defarge catches her and throws her into her corner. Butchie B and Crummels enter the ring and are trading holds and strikes. Butchie tags in Pastor C-Lo for a double team. C-Lo hits a dropkick while Crummels is on his knees and Butchie follows up with a spiral splash! Crummels is able to get on top of C-Lo and takes him to his corner for some triple teaming. Pastor gets out of the way twice so Crummels hits Defarge and Sage. Butchie tags in and it is deja vu and Crummels once again hits his teammates. Sebastian LeShawn enters but Crummels and Defarge are able to neutralize LeShawn’s offense. The team of Crummles, Defarge, and Sage have total control of LeShawn. LeShawn is able to tag in Butchie B who comes in like a house of fire. Defarge is able to counter and hits Butchie with a flying European uppercut. Now they have control of Butchie B in their corner. Defarge sets up Butchie on the top rope and as Defarge goes for a belly to back suplex Butchie reverses into a cross body from the top rope! Butchie tags in Pastor C-Lo who comes in and cleans house. He is working over Crummels. Pastor tags in Sebastian LeShawn for a double team on Defarge. All hell is breaking loose in the ring and Defarge is down from a flying knee strike from Butchie B. Butchie covers for the pin even though Defarge is out cold.
  • “The Human Highlight” Isaiah Moore vs. “The Swag Champ” Ren Jones
    • The two combatants start off trading multiple holds but there is no clear advantage. The two get into the corner and after a couple reversals Jones hits a big chop. The two then start to hit shoulder tackles but neither man is phased. Moore clotheslines Jones over the top rope and the action spills to the outside. Jones backdrops Moore onto the ring apron then throws him into the guardrail. Jones breaks the count but that is enough time for Moore to get his bearings back and lands a forearm to Jones. Jones then throws Moore again into the guardrails. Moore comes back when the action gets back into the ring and has Jones sitting on the middle rope and goes to slam Jones onto the mat but Jones locks his arms on the top rope and Moore ends up slamming himself. Jones is in control landing a suplex and locking in a cravat .Moore counters another suplex attempt but isn’t able to take over on Jones. Jones reverses into a spike DDT. Jones is shook and the pinfall attempt takes too much time to cover and Moore is able to kick out. Jones is in control again and we have entered the 3rd silent round. Moore is digging deep and is able to counter a body slam attempt and fires up on Jones. Jones ends up on the outside and Moore hits a huge front flip plancha onto Jones on the outside. Moore then throws Jones back into the ring. Moore hits a maneuver that puts Jones on the match but Jones kicks out at 2. Moore with another big move that we can’t even explain but Jones once again kicks out in the nick of time. Moore is hitting all sorts of innovative offense and goes up top for a big splash but Jones once again kicks out. We are down to the last minute. Moore goes at Jones but Jones hooks him for what appears to be a back slide but Jones lifts him up and slams him face down. Moore lands a huge flying knee but time expires before he can go for a pin fall. We are off to the judges.
    • Both ringside judges give the match to “The Swag Champ” Ren Jones!
  • “The Black Diamond” Jack Price vs. “Ultrastar” Ashton Day
    • The two men lock up in the ring and Price backs Day up into the corner but they break clean. They try it again and neither man can get a clean advantage. Day is able to get a headlock and a shoulder tackle but Price is still fresh. Price locks in a headlock of his own and Day keeps trying to shoot him off using the ropes but Price is able to keep the headlock applied. Day has an arm now and goes for an arm drag takedown but Price keeps the hook in and arm drags Day right after and goes to work. Day cuts him off with a big punch and the brawling pays off as it seems to have effect but after a few reversals Price lands a dropkick to Day’s face. Day tries to escape to the outside but Price lands on him with a corkscrew plancha! Day is in the ring and Price goes up to for a cross body but Day is able to kick out. Day cowers to the corner and is asking for a time out.  Price goes in anyways and Ashton pulls him by the waistband of his pants and plants his face into the corner. Day is now in control of the match. Price eventually mounts a comeback and lands a flying leg drop that brings Day to the mat. We are now entering the 3rd round. The two men are trading punches in the middle of the ring. Day lands a dropkick to Price and then a knee into Price’s face. Day is up top now and hits an elbow drop. It isn’t enough to put Price away. Day then sets up his big kick finish but Price ducks it. Price comes off the ropes into a springboard Diamond Cutter. Still not enough to get the win and Day sets up Price on the top rope but he knocks Day off. Price then hits a frog splash from the top rope but Day is able to kick out in time. Day shoves Price into the corner and the referee is in the way and is down. Day has the EFW Heavyweight Title and hits Price with it. Dios Salvador is filming the match on his phone and gets the referee’s attention and shows him the footage. The ref restarts the match! Jack Price his a sit out slam on Day and it is enough to get the pin!
  • As the show goes off the air Ronnie Rotten gets in the face of Dios and Day goes to hit him but Dios reverses and slugs Day knocking him to the ground. Day and Rotten retreat to the backstage area as the event goes off the air.

You can watch the replay on demand on TrillerTV+! Click here to view the replay!

EFW 1: Night of Destiny

Sunday, July 28th, 2024
NEO Sports Plant, Euclid, Ohio
  • Colt Johnson & Chris Onyx vs. Sebastian LeShawn & Butchie B
    • Nick Barney is the 5th man in the ring for this bout. Butchie B starts off with Onyx and Onyx establishes his power early. Butchie B counters with his athleticism performing backflip counters and tagging in LeShawn for some double team maneuvers. Colt Johnson begins to attack LeShawn on the outside and then chokes her on the ropes. While the referee tries to break the choke, Butchie B jumps over referee Nick Barney and over the top rope onto Colt Johnson on the outside. Chris Onyx hits a massive drop kick that slows Butchie and LeShawn down and begins to take control of the match. Colt and Onyx are in complete control of LeShawn. Colt Johnson whips LeShawn into a waiting Chris Onyx who picks up LeShawn from the Irish whip into a vicious spinebuster. LeShawn digs down deep to hit a Codebreaker on Onyx. Both are down and both get the tag. Butchie B gets in and starts to take control. The Mission hits a stereo superkick to Johnson who is on his knees. LeShawn hits her signature move into Butchie hitting his Canonbuster finisher. Chris Onyx is a second too late to break up the pin as The Mission takes the victory via pinfall.
  • James Alexander vs. Luis Casanova
    • Shawn Porter is the 3rd man in the ring for this bout. After the introductions, Alexander takes the mic to let the crowd know who he is. They do not take to Alexander’s words too kindly and the match begins. Casanova establishes early on his size and strength advantage but Alexander is no slouch and a crafty veteran. Casanova continues his barrage but the veteran Alexander takes out Casanova’s knee. Casanova shakes it off briefly but Alexander continues to attack the knee of Casanova. Now that Alexander has cut him down he is controlling Casanova on the mat. Casanova starts to mount a comeback and hits a military press slam on Alexander on his bad leg. Casanova goes for a vertical suplex but the knee doesn’t allow him to complete the move and Alexander pounces back on the bad knee of Casanova. Alexander fights and fights and is able to cinch in a single leg crab on Casanova. Luis almost gets to the ropes but Alexander is able to pull him back to the center of the ring but it is finally too much and Casanova taps the mat repeatedly to stop the pain. Alexander gets his first victory via submission.
  • Josh Emmanuel vs. Jack Price
    • EFW Owner Ronnie Rotten accompanies Josh Emmanuel to the ring and begins to berate the crowd on the microphone. He is interrupted by the music and entrance of “The Black Diamond” Jack Price. The match begins and the two men are trading moves and counters until Price hits a dropkick that sends Emmanuel to the outside to regroup with Rotten. Price out of nowhere hits a corkscrew dive to the outside. Somehow Emmanuel is able to get control when he gets back to the ring. Emmanuel is starting to go to work. Jack Price is able to start showing signs of life but is quickly cut off by Emmanuel. Price is able to hit a kick and a reverse Russian leg sweep. Price goes for a Guybuster but it is countered by Emmanuel and Price’s comeback is short-lived. Emmanuel is back in control but is showboating a little bit and that gives Price an opening and he hits his “Diamond in the Rough” move and almost gets it but Emmanuel kicks out just in time. Emmanuel then hits his G-Walk move and just before the 3 count is down Pepper who accompanies Price puts his foot on the rope to make the save. Price is able to counter Emmanuel and hits a superkick, a German suplex, and a huge Frog Splash from the top rope but Emmanuel once again kicks out just before the 3. Both men are fighting back and forth and Price is going for a superplex but Emmanuel counters and hits a double stomp to the back of Price’s head from the top rope and then hits a chin buster maneuver on Price and is able to secure a pinfall victory.
  • Invitational Battle Royal
    • The rules for this battle royal are as follows. Everyone enters at once and the battle begins. You can be eliminated by being thrown over the top rope and to the floor. The last two participants that are left will then square off in a one fall bout. The match starts off with two competitors diving off the top rope onto everyone and the melee begins! Captain Kennedy, Moshpit, Dice-K, Vot the Rapper, and “The Punisher” Kyle Horton are displaying the most offense. EFW Trainee Issac Steele is getting in some great work. EFW Trainees Payton and Steve are making their presence felt! The eliminations are starting to pile up and we are down to Issac Steel, Kyle Horton, Dice-K, and Moshpit. Dice-K opens up on Moshpit with a flurry of kicks but Moshpit responds with a huge clothesline and turns Dice-K inside out. Horton is working over Steel. Dice-K and Steel are eliminated and we are down to Kyle Horton and Moshpit!
  • Moshpit vs. Kyle Horton
    • These two are staring off in the center of the ring as Nick Barney gets into the ring to officiate the action. They begin trading blows but Horton seems to be getting the better end of it. He then throws Moshpit through the middle rope and the action takes to the outside where Moshpit takes over and starts putting a beating on Kyle on the outside. Moshpit puts Horton right next to where Horton’s 3 kids are sitting and starts hitting chops on Horton right where his children are. Moshpit takes the action back to the ring where he hits a variety of slam maneuvers and suplexes. Horton starts to make a comeback and has Moshpit up on his shoulders but Moshpit counters. Moshpit goes for another suplex but Horton reverses into a small package for a 3 count! While the action was going on Terrance Knight was out near the ring taking notes.
  • Pastor C-Lo vs. Bray McKenzie vs. Cowpoke Paul
    • Pastor C-Lo enters the ring first and gets on the microphone to deliver his sermon! Pastor delivers the news that Christian Noir would not be able to make the bout due to unforeseen circumstances. Bray McKenzie is the man to step up and take Noir’s place. The match is underway with all 3 men feeling each other out. They all lock up at their hands and Bray McKenzie is able to bounce off of the top rope and backflip into a takedown of both men. They’re still feeling each other out. Bray hits an enzuigiri on Pastor and the action continues. Cowpoke Paul then hogties McKenzie up and we are back to trading strikes. C-Lo attempts to pin both competitors but everyone is still in the match. Cowpoke Paul hits a huge lariat on McKenzie and goes to the top rope but C-Lo catches him and throws him off. C-Lo then focuses his offense on McKenzie and hits a spinning brainbuster suplex! Goes for the pinfall and gets the 3 count. Pastor C-Lo’s victory means The Mission has a clean sweep in their matches for the evening.
  • Vinnie Maverick vs. Nick Brashear
    • We are finally here for the battle of the Super Heavyweights as this match has been a year in the making. The two face off in the center of the ring. The two are trading blows and Maverick is able to run Brashear into a corner but Brashear counters and knees Maverick back into a corner and monkey flips the 400lbs.+ Maverick. Brashear goes for a German suplex but Maverick counters into a Pele kick and takes over on Brashear. Maverick begins to chop away at Brashear’s chest leaving huge marks all over the Vanilla Gorilla. They start to trade blows once again where Brashear traps Maverick’s arm and hits an Osotogari and goes for a 2nd rope springboard moonsault but Maverick misses! Maverick takes over on the outside and goes for a powerbomb on Brashear on the floor but Brashear counters and backdrops Maverick on the outside floor. Brashear cowers to the ring and tells the ref to count Maverick out. Brashear begins to work on Maverick’s leg and knee. He goes for his knee bar but Maverick is able to fight through and break the lock. Brashear is able to hit a German suplex but Maverick kicks out just in time. Maverick hits a huge headbutt and nearly knocks Brashear out and Brashear runs at Maverick to attack but it is countered into a Deep Six slam and Brashear is down on the mat as Maverick recovers. Maverick steps on Brashear’s chest as he climbs the ropes and hits a huge top rope moonsault. Just as he goes for the pinfall Ronnie Rotten gets on the apron and Maverick is distracted. Brashear wakes up and is able to apply his arm triangle choke. Brashear is able to get Maverick down and Maverick is out cold. Brashear wins via technical submission. 
  • Brandon Day vs. Bill Collier
    • The two men square off and share a handshake before the match is underway. They lock up with neither man having an advantage and they break clean. Collier is able to start working on an arm but is countered by Brandon Day. The two are trading holds early on. Collier gets back on top but quickly countered by Day. Collier sends off Day but is met with a shoulder tackle but the pinfall attempt is stopped at 1. Brandon Day is able to clothesline Collier over the top rope and goes for a dive through the middle rope to the outside! They make their way back to the ring and Collier is able to hit a side kick and goes to work on Day. Day works his way up but is met with a dropkick from Collier. Collier has been able to work over Day with a barrage of attacks and holds. Day is able to hit a sunset flip but Collier puts him inside out with a huge clothesline after the kickout. The two get back up and get a running head of steam but collide and knock each other down. We only have 4 minutes to go in this match before we go to the judges scorecards for a decision. Day starts to mount some big offense and is starting to come back but Collier is still in this fight. Collier hits a big fireman’s carry slam but Day kicks out and now we only have 2 minutes left. Day locks in an armbar over the top rope but it is broken up by the ref. He then climbs the rope and hits a huge clothesline coming from Day. Collier then hits a big spear and we are at around 30 seconds left. Day is able to counter another fireman’s carry slam into a Tazmission. Collier is able to survive and we go to the judges scorecards. Brent Butternuts awards the bout to Brandon Day. Sheamus O’Keefe gives the match to Collier and we have to go to the crowd for a final decision. The crowd is too close to decide and this match has been deemed a majority draw!
  • Zack Thomas, Otis & Atticus Cogar (44OH Yellow) vs. Alice Crowley, Christian Napier, & Rickey Shane Page (44OH Blue)
    • George Ross is the official for this match. The match kicks off with Napier slapping Thomas and Blue is on the outside. They regroup and we have Napier starting out with Thomas. They are able to tie up Napier into the ropes and the Cogars hit some huge strikes to Napier. Atticus gets Napier to slip on the middle rope and Yellow hits another trifecta of moves and goes for the pinfall. Otis is now in the ring with Napier going to work. Blue is able to reverse their fortunes and is now on top with Crowley and RSP getting into the action. They single out Zack Thomas and now Napier is back and gets Thomas into the corner. Blue then goes around the team stomping Thomas in the corner. Thomas makes a comeback and now the tables are turned. Yellow hits a German suplex on Crowley and then Atticus hits a middle rope springboard moonsault on Napier and they set up Napier in the corner for Otis to hit a top rope moonsault! The action is continuing on as Napier is slammed twice spinebuster style by Otis and Thomas. Blue gets back on top and is focused on Thomas as RSP is delivering some high impact maneuvers and Napier hits a Bronco Buster in the corner. RSP goes for a choke slam but its stopped by Thomas hitting a huge kick. Thomas then goes for a package powerbomb into a backbreaker on Napier and gets the 3 count. 44OH Yellow gets the win.
  • Ashton Day vs. Dios Salvador
    • Nick Barney is the 3rd man in the ring for this historic match. Both men are back and forth trading holds with neither getting the best of one another. The action is starting to pick up as Dios is getting the best of Ashton and gets him to the outside. Dios follows him out and the two battle on the outside. Ashton breaks the count and Dios takes him around the barricades, chopping Day. They begin to work back to the ring on the outside and Ashton slingshots Dios into the barricades on the floor. Now Day is in control. They get back into the ring and Day hits a huge sidewalk slam on Dios. Day is in complete control hitting Dios with big elbow strikes and holds. Dios hits a desperation belly to back suplex but Day stops the momentum and goes back to work on Dios’ back with knees and holds. Dios hits a chinbuster and begins his comeback. After a flurry of moves Dios hits a top rope dropkick. Ashton flees to the floor but Dios hits a suicide dive and puts Day back into the ring. Dios hits a Northern Lights suplex but Day kicks out. Dios then goes for the 3 Amigos suplexes but Day counters and puts Dios on the top turnbuckle. Day then hits a superplex and floats into a cover but it isn’t enough. Day has Dios locked up and mocking the 3 Amigos but Dios then counters and hits the 3 Amigos and picks him up for a 4th but switches to a Russian Leg Sweep and floats into a neck crank submission. It looks like Day may have tapped out but Ronnie Rotten makes his presence felt. Dios hits a 619 on Day. Dios rolls up Day and as Dios hits the rope Ronnie Rotten hits Dios with the title belt. Day then hits a huge kick to the back of Dios’ head and is able to get the 3 count! Rotten begins to celebrate and invites Nick Brashear to come out and join. It looks like Ashton Day is aligned with Ronnie Rotten, Josh Emmanuel, and Nick Brashear.

You can watch the replay on demand on TrillerTV+! Click here to view the replay!

We also have a photo gallery of the event! Click here to view the photos!